In store purchases only while we update our website


  • Jumanji Board Game

    Full size replica of the iconic board game from the film. 
  • Love Cambridge Meet the Owner Lovely piece on us published today by Love Cambridge.  Hidden Gems-Meet the O...
  • New Arrival

    So lovely to be getting new things in Jacks on Trinity again. 
  • Hoodies Refreshed

    At last our spring/summer order has arrived! 
  • 6 months in!

    It's six months to the day that the UK went into full lockdown.  All our lives changed in so many ways, but we adjusted.
  • 5 years ago today!

    Looking back to Saturday 11th July 2013 to 'Live Windows in Trinity Street'!
  • The New Normal?

    With pubs and restaurants opening this weekend we hope that people can once again enjoy a lilttle bit of socialising, a pint or two and your favour...
  • Harry Potter prices slashed!

    As if by magic, loads of Harry Potter prices have been slashed.  And not just for this week, not just for July - but for the foreseable future.  Th...
  • We're Open

    As Cambridge shops gradually re-open so have we and we're pleased to say you can now pop in between 11.00 to 6.00 every day.  Normally at this time...
  • Little Gestures Mean Such a Lot

    We've had such a lovely message from a customer in Spain.  Her order was very small but meant a huge amount to her and her son so it was a pleasure...
  • Zipped Hoodies only £10!

    A great offer for you!
  • New Arrivals

    Hogwart House cushions along with their mascots